About Heroes 4 Hire

At the fire station, we kept a list of what odd jobs people did on their off days. If we needed an electrician, we'd call Paul, or John. If we needed custom woodwork, we'd talk to Drew, or Matt. Over the years, and our department grew, the list was lost. At that point, we realized a lot of the new guys also did side-jobs on their days off. That's were the idea of a new list came in. One day, at the firehouse kitchen table, (solving world's problems), we talked about developing "one spot" to keep an updated list of everyone's specialties. That way, everyone could look there first when they needed to hire help.

Coincidently, the same day my sister mentioned that she just hired a handyman because his bio said he was a retired firefighter. She felt she could instantly trust him (and he did end up doing great work). That's when the idea of Heroes 4 Hire was born. The idea involved creating a platform where people could post their side-jobs, hobbies, or part-time income and make it available for the public. The end goal is that our providers get more business and connect customers to trustworthy, highly-qualified, and hardworking individuals. We also appreciate that our customers also get a unique way to support their local first responders and military.

Message from the Founder

I’ve been in the Fire Service for over 20 years, and it’s given me A LOT. Some of the best days of my life have been spent with my Engine Bro's in service to others. I’ve always been an

advocate of the phrase, “We support those who support us.” For me, that’s been my fire family. I started this company to give back to fellow first responders and military members.

They have supported our Country, Community and me personally. Please consider joining us to support them here as well.


We look for the most suitable talent to meet your needs and don't stop at good enough. Our success depends upon your satisfaction.

Our Mission

Our mission at Heroes 4 Hire is to empower first responders and military members by providing a platform where they can showcase their skills and serve their communities

beyond their traditional roles. Through trust, dedication, and support, we strive to connect clients with reliable and skilled professionals while fostering a community of camaraderie

and success.

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